Saturday, July 7, 2007

Week 3

Today I spent quite a but of time looking at Flicker. I learned that tags are another name for keywords. While looking at 3rd party flicker applications I discovered a postcard browser. I looked at map and came across a person's postcard project.

This is a postcard from my collection of Baltimore postcards dating from the the turn of the century to the present. It is a linen one from the 1930's.

All this new technology interests me, but I am particularly intrigued by how television and newspapers have expanded their coverage via the internet. Having been an avid newspaper reader since I was young, I still go there first. But, as a friend who is a Sun reporter said to me, there are more pictures, less text, and fewer feature articles. They have closed their foreign bureaus, retired or fired feature writers, and have expanded coverage online instead of in print. A good case in point is the information on gardens of Baltimore. The print article was fairly brief and referred you to their online site.

CNN in particular has used the new technology, but so do the regular networks. At this point I have no desire to look at tv from my cell phone or IPOD, but I might get to that. The small screen is what I object to.

1 comment:

Clementine said...

That is a very interesting Baltimore postcard. I was attracted to it since my husband & I collect postcards too. I collect antique holiday postcards and my husband collects postcards relating to northern Baltimore County. I found the Postcard Browser on flickr to be itneresting.